Continue the Excellence
St. Francis Borgia High School is all about supporting the spiritual and academic development of prepared life-long learners. Each year, we rely on the generosity of alumni, parents of alumni, current parents, and friends of Borgia to support our mission through the Borgia Annual Fund. Today there are over 8,800 alumni whose lives have been formed here at SFBHS in an environment nurtured by values and faith. Your contribution demonstrates a significant commitment on your part to SFBHS, where we seed the future with committed and dedicated leaders.
Last year, through the generosity of donors, we raised over $330,000 for the Annual Fund. Each year, the tuition schedule challenges us with a gap of nearly $2,900 per student between the actual cost to educate a child and the current tuition.
As one who values the quality of Catholic education, we hope you will make St. Francis Borgia High School a charitable priority in your life by making a gift to the Borgia Annual Fund. Participation demonstrates to everyone how a shared responsibility such as this can make a difference in the viability of our school. Your generosity, at any level, is essential in our efforts to continue the tradition of excellence and the mission that defines St. Francis Borgia High School by making a gift on Borgia Giving Day and to the Annual Fund.
Make your gift